North British Academy of Arts

This organisation was an art institution based in Newcastle upon Tyne in north-east England. It was to be found in the Claremount Buildings on the western side of Barras Bridge located on the corner of Eldon Place in Newcastle upon Tyne. This is now opposite the County Council Offices. Founded in 1908 it was still extant in 1921 but was defunct by 1925. At various times, Henry John Brinsley Manners, the 8th Duke of Rutland, acted as President. Those elected Fellows were entitled to add FNBA after their names. Eight exhibitions of members' works were held prior to World War I not only at the Newcastle location but unusually at the RBA, London, York City Art Gallery, Burnley Art Gallery and at Crystal Palace, London. Members ranged from sculptors, painters, architects, financiers and even a Chinese Diplomat.

Number of Artists referenced: 10