Society of Scribes & Illuminators

The SSI was established in 1921 by a group early students of England's greatest calligrapher Edward Johnston. The Society's first exhibition of members' work took place in 1922 at the Brook Street Art Gallery its aim being the advancement and enhancement of the crafts of writing and illumination. Today in the 21st century is has reached something of a celebrated art form and is a worldwide focus for both professional and amateur calligraphers from around the globe. Fellowship is gained only by peer election and requires technical highly acceptable technical versatility. Lay membership, introduced in 1952, is open to anyone who, through their interest and support, wishes to help the SSI advance and promote the craft of calligraphy. The Society publishes a bi-annual magazine 'The Scribe' highly regarded in its field. The promotion of calligraphy through exhibitions has always been an important feature of the Society's activities and since 1922 major London shows have been mounted at venues such as the Victoria and Albert Museum, the British Crafts Centre, the National Book League, the Central School of Arts & Crafts, St. Paul's Cathedral and Leighton House Museum. In 1938 an exhibition was sent to New York and gradually over the years, the crafts have attracted thousand of enthusiastic followers.

Number of Artists referenced: 67